For me, the writing style in a story is extremely important. It’s much more important how it is and how it’s structured, than it is necessarily grammatically correct. A Tolkien-style fantasy book probably doesn’t lend itself well to academic language. A sci-fi book in space would probably be strange with luscious Shakespearean lyricism. Whereas a…
Författare: nalle
Anpassa språket
För mig är skrivspråket i en berättelse jätteviktigt. Det är mycket viktigare med hur det är och är uppbyggt, än att det nödvändigt vis är språkligt korrekt. En fantasybok i Tolkien-stil gör sig nog inte så bra på akademiskt språk. En scifi-bok i rymden blir nog märklig med smäktande Shakespear lyrik. Medans en medeltidsberättelse gör…
To write dialogue
I’ve been sitting and listening to other people’s conversations in many different places… trying to understand social interaction better… so far, I’ve come to the following conclusion (completely unscientific): None of the above insights help me much when I’m writing dialogue. For me, dialogue in a book is a tool to: So, my way of…
Att skriva dialog
Jag har suttit å lyssnat på andras konversationer på många olika ställen… försöker förstå det sociala samspelet bättre… hittills gör jag följande reflektion (helt ovetenskapligt): Ingen av ovan insikter hjälper mig speciellt mycket när jag ska skriva dialog. För mig är dialogen i en bok ett verktyg för att: Så det är bara att konstatera…
ISBN: 9789180573764 (book) ISBN: 9789180805704 (ebook) On the back of the book: Imagine a time, about 50 years after 914D00m. How would the world appear after the clash between DS and N3v3r!and? Is M3rqrie still a player in the game? This starts with an old fashion letter, arriving at a Skyscraper in a big city in…
Gamers handbook to the IRL game
This is an ebook. And will only be available as an ebook. Links will come ISBN: 9789180276153 Since there is no backside of an ebook, I can not recite it here! If you are curious, please look it up! 🙂
ISBN: 9789178518784 (book) ISBN: 9789180571098 (ebook) On the back of the book: Is it true, that the enemy of my enemy is my friend? …and what do you say, when someone you care about tells you unexpected things , does that change anything? With every card on the table, and new companions, is it possible…
ISBN: 9789180270052 (book) ISBN: 9789180570718 (ebook) On the back of the book: Do you remember M3rqrie? Did you follow the hunt for N3v3r!and? If you did, then the story continues here. If not, the first book is a better place to start, than to start with this one. But as always, it is your choice!…
ISBN: 9789177853824 (book) ISBN: 9789180570220 (ebook) This is the first book in the M3rqrie-series. On the back: The hacker M3rqrie is looking for the secret organization N3v3r!and, an organization that operates in the shadows of the dark web trying to expose the truth behind all global leaders and companies that are trying to cover up…
ihappy – ecological and ecological
Another book available, a tool for you to help in your work towards a better and more sustainable way of life, for you, the planet and the future… but most important, this is your path, and yours alone! ISBN: 9789179693503 On the back: This book is buildt on two things, only mentioned here on the back. The…